weeee make it better
and longer, with a story and i'll give it a 5 and a ten. |_|(°o°)|_|
p.s Xbox sux Ps2 is the best
weeee make it better
and longer, with a story and i'll give it a 5 and a ten. |_|(°o°)|_|
p.s Xbox sux Ps2 is the best
clown kills you???????????????'
why Krinkels?... why?
anyway, an exelent flash, it's more stylish than apotheosis, ur improvement is notorious.
not as good as your other stuff...
The jokes of the cars were old and it wasn't THAT great. It was good. The voices are cool, the models are simple but good too, and it was... ...yeah, funny. and i liked the loading screen of this year:)
plain creepy
it was well done, it had good music, but it was so scary i almost craped in my pants (Nah, just kidding), i liked it, but ¿why make an animation about sone point that would be really good if it was a real one-you said it wasnt-?
REALLY good animation in (gay) Duke, the other ones were good too, the song is great (¿you wrote it?) it reminds me Queen songs. Besides, what you say is true ¡¿when th fuck is DNF going to be released?!.
Keep em' coming
P.S: im adding it 2 my favorites
No, my name is not John Stamos or Uncle Jessie Katsopolis.
blerg, that was boring, it was not funny, it wasn't entretaining, and it wasn't intresting, but it had tecnical quality like the sound, the graphics and te tweening. Keep making flash, but if you want to make it funny, make a better effort. (if you want of course)
KNOX 4 EVA!!!!!!!!!!
knox, i don't know how to write this so i'll be clear: YOU ROCK! the way you make them look so relaxed (like the screaming and blerging of the zombies (blerging=blerg!)) the shape of the klaymen... You should be king ofthe portal every month
awesome! it's a cool spoof and it wasn't too short even if was 400 kb. I'll give u 5
I want HTML on my profile damnit >:(
Age 32, Male
spare a buck?
Santiago, Chile
Joined on 12/17/03