I don't know if this is still on, but
I'm gonna do it anyways.
Awesome track, I'll start recording today. Thanks for the opportunity to play in such a great song :D
I don't know if this is still on, but
I'm gonna do it anyways.
Awesome track, I'll start recording today. Thanks for the opportunity to play in such a great song :D
No problem!
I like your style
This is rad as hell. It's like schizophrenia made music. :D
This, my dear chap, is quite dope
I'm not into electronic music, but I really liked this; it's very original.
A little more development wouldn't hurt, it feels too short. I want more :P
Yay lydian.
This is really nice, the change from "epic" to jazz is very cool. The theme is beautiful (of course it is, it's lydian :P), but I felt that the actual sound of the orchestral instruments (other than the trumpet) made it sound a little plastic. It's completely understandable since you don't have an orchestra at your disposal, though.
Anyway, I'm nitpicking. Awesome job, as always.
yep, there in the middle the orchestral sound miss the trumpet, well, I think is a good thing, this way the trumpet solo stands out more ;)
thanx for review
(btw about lydian, try to sing "The Simpsons" theme on it)
Lots of energy
Sounds really good. I'm not a fan of electronic music, but this was pretty okay!
It IS repetitive, though.
Nice drums.
The riff wasn't that good or original and the song was pretty repetitive. I wasn't impressed by the shredding, I mean, maybe to a technical level, but I just find it boring.
To sum it up, maybe it woulds be a good idea to put that riff on another song, because on it's own it's not interesting. In my opinion, anyway.
I loved it.
Heres 1 review, 49999987 to go!
whoops, review mixup.
The review I made for Lime House Blues was intended to be for This entry, so I'll review Lime house and you read the other as though it was for this one, k?
Like the style, old school. reminds me of old Chaplin movies.
P.S I still want you to have my babies.
(to P.S.) uh......talk..to..um....er...just no. no no NO FAIL!
I fucking love you.
Your music rocks, Have my babies.
I'm seriously thinking on making this into a flash, you don't mind, do you? Also, tell me your ideas for it, and if you want to get co authored. Personally I think you deserve it.
I want HTML on my profile damnit >:(
Age 32, Male
spare a buck?
Santiago, Chile
Joined on 12/17/03